Facebook Promoting Racial Violence and Blocking an Ad for Hurricane Ian Victims

Facebook continues its move on manipulating and censoring certain content. This includes blocking specific topics and pages from being discussed or shared.

Some people are outraged by this censorship, calling it a violation of free speech. Others believe it is necessary to keep the platform safe and clean.

Either way, it looks like Facebook is not changing its protocols soon. So we will have to continue to deal with the censored content on the site.

Facebook Algorithms Promoted Racial Violence Against Rohingya

A report from Amnesty International said that Facebook algorithms promoted hate content against the Rohingya minority. The Rohingya people are a stateless Indo-Aryan ethnic group who follows Islam. They reside in Rakhine State, Myanmar. 

Amnesty reported that Buddhist groups flooded the social media platform with anti-Muslim content. The organization said, “Actors linked to the Myanmar military and radical Buddhist nationalist groups… flooded the platform with anti-Muslim content. They posted disinformation claiming there was going to be an impending Muslim takeover. [Morevoer], they are portraying the Rohingya as ‘invaders.'”

Amnesty Secretary General Agnès Callamard also shared her insights. She believes that Facebook was profiting from the increased hate on its platform. Callamard said, “While the Myanmar military was committing crimes against humanity against the Rohingya… Meta was profiting from its algorithms’ echo chamber of hatred.” 

Facebook promotes hate, empowers violence, and suppresses information in this incident. From the looks of it, the Big Tech company is just another liberal concoction that spreads hate and lies.

‘Florida Strong’ T-shirt Ad Rejected on Facebook

Tyler Merritt, CEO of Nine Line Apparel of Savannah, Georgia, and a retired Army captain… wants to help people in Florida affected by Hurricane Ian. However, his advocacy of raising through sales of his company’s “Florida Strong” T-shirts has been rejected by Facebook.

Meritt was interviewed on Fox after being rejected by the Big Tech company. He said, “I think we were representing what every American wants to do out there. We’ve done this before with many other natural disasters. [We] to come to aid physically and to bring cash and resources.”

The CEO and retired general added, “We’ve had boots on the ground as of [earlier this week. They are] working with the community cooperatively, handing out generators and fuel. And everyone loved these shirts.”

Then, Merrit shared his concern about Facebook’s algorithm. He said, “The issue is longstanding. There are algorithmic programs that Facebook has said that certain flag products, that certain flag advertisement, individuals… and they hinder that.”

Merrit was also sure that the Big Tech company had no intention of hearing him out. He said, “They have you reach out to them and say, ‘Hey, would you please allow this advertising to go forward?’ It doesn’t make mention any individual political initiative. But most of the time, it falls on deaf ears, or we do not get responses.”

Zuckerberg made his fortune selling people’s personal information to the government… and anyone willing to pay. Now he’s turned globalist, ready to sell the country to the highest bidder.

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